Choking during sex

lesbians choking
Have you ever tried it? It's quite fascinating great feeling. Asphyxiation while having sex is completely new experience and altered perception of reality.

There are 2 stages of this play. First one is choking phase when your partner holds his or her hand in upper part of your neck, compressing jugular veins. This cause hypoxia, which is state characterized by low amount of oxygen reaching your brain...

Talk about suicide

purple grim reaperHave you ever thought about suicide? I'm sure you did. More than 50% of people seriously consider suicide at least once in a life. However it's better to talk about it than do it for real.

This site is full of suicidal people and weirdos talking about that: Suicide project

Do you wanna be one of them?

Picture of the week 1: Gothic dolls

Dolls are not only for kids, some of them looks really fascinating, like this one with red eyes and cross on her chest. Credit: Paranoia Dolls

gothic doll